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Posts by psa_formazione

Le nostre offerte Formative: INFORMATICA


Vi presentiamo la prima selezione di corsi di Garanzia Giovani: Settore INFORMATICA

  • Installazione, Manutenzione, Riparazione Reti Informatiche
  • EIPASS European Informatics Passaport (7 Moduli + Progressive)
  • Tecnico della Programmazione e Sviluppo Software
  • Programmazione e Sviluppo Web
  • Assemblaggio e Manutenzione PC


Per avere più informazioni manda una mail a con i tuoi dati o compila il nostro modulo.

In alternativa chiamaci at 0884 549411 or vieni a trovarci nella nostra sede di Manfredonia (FG) in Via Euclide, Ind Zone. Pip Lotto 4 in uno dei seguenti giorni:

- la mattina dal Monday at Friday from the hours 9.00 at 13.00

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Riparte Garanzia Giovani


Sei un giovane tra i 15 e i 29 years, vivi nella provincia di Foggia e non sei impegnato in un’attività lavorativa né inserito in un corso scolastico o formativo?

Potrai avvalerti della formazione gratuita e tirocini retribuiti, entrando a far parte del progetto della Regione Puglia di Youth Guarantee.

Per entrare a far parte del progetto Garanzia Giovani, non devi essere occupato e non devi essere iscritto ad alcun corso di studi.

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Public notice no. 5/2018. course: Industrial Software Programmer. Code of Practice: LGABSU4. Final ranking.


POR PUGLIA ERDF – ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII – Action 8.4. – Public Notice n. 5/ESF/2018 "Public notice for training projects aimed at acquiring regional vocational qualifications in the "priority" sectors approved by Decision C(2015)5854 of 13/08/2015 published in burp n. 128 of 04/10/2018 Approval of rankings with D.D.. Section for Vocational Training. 638 of 6 June 2019 published in burp n. 65 of 13/06/2019 Training activities financed by the POR Puglia ERDF - ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII 'Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and support for professional mobility' practical code: LGABSU4

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Public notice no. 5/2018. course: Industrial Software Programmer. Code of Practice: LGABSU4. List of candidates admitted and not admitted to the selections.


POR PUGLIA ERDF – ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII – Action 8.4. – Public Notice n. 5/ESF/2018 "Public notice for training projects aimed at acquiring regional vocational qualifications in the "priority" sectors approved by Decision C(2015)5854 of 13/08/2015 published in burp n. 128 of 04/10/2018 Approval of rankings with D.D.. Section for Vocational Training. 638 of 6 June 2019 published in burp n. 65 of 13/06/2019 Training activities financed by the POR Puglia ERDF - ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII 'Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and support for professional mobility' practical code: LGABSU4

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Public notice no. 5/2018. course: Industrial Software Programmer. Code of Practice: LGABSU4. Extension of registration deadline.


POR PUGLIA ERDF – ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII – Action 8.4. – Public notice no. 5/ESF/2018 "Public notice for training projects aimed at acquiring regional vocational qualifications in the "priority" sectors approved by Decision C(2015)5854 of 13/08/2015 published in burp n. 128 of 04/10/2018 Approval of rankings with D.D.. Section for Vocational Training. 638 of 6 June 2019 published in burp n. 65 of 13/06/2019 Training activities financed by the POR Puglia ERDF - ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII 'Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and support for professional mobility' practical code: LGABSU4

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Public notice no. 5/2018. course: Industrial Software Programmer. Code of Practice: LGABSU4. Notice of admission.



POR PUGLIA ERDF – ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII – Action 8.4. – Public notice no. 5/ESF/2018 "Public notice for training projects aimed at acquiring regional vocational qualifications in the "priority" sectors approved by Decision C(2015)5854 of 13/08/2015 published in burp n. 128 of 04/10/2018 Approval of rankings with D.D.. Section for Vocational Training. 638 of 6 June 2019 published in burp n. 65 of 13/06/2019 Training activities financed by the POR Puglia ERDF - ESF 2014-2020 – Axis VIII 'Promoting sustainability and quality of employment and support for professional mobility' practical code: LGABSU4

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Contest preparation course in Professorship

RECIPIENTS: Candidates in the competition to Chair for all classes of competition of every grade.

Purpose ': The course of preparation for the competition Chair, intends to provide moments of study, investigation and reflection on the arguments required by the examination papers of the School competition 2016. There will also be evidence of exam simulation and practice tests.

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Avviso10. Final ranking

Public notice FG/10/2014, AXIS IV – HUMAN CAPITAL

"Professional profiles for the strategic production systems in Puglia"

Course "technical editorial material processing, ideation,

design and project control/graphics "

List approved by det. 2014/0003007 of 24/11/2014 and published on the. BURP No 166 of 4/12/2014. Project approved by the province of Foggia with d.. n. 3007 of 24/11/2014 published on BURP no. 166 of 04/12/2014

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