Seminar : Improve business performance
The seminar involved employees, the directors of the company, the teaching and non-teaching staff and the institution's leadership.
During the seminar, the Director of the institution in accordance with the administration of Penta System srl presented the plan, human resources involved in the plane on that day, the teaching methodology, the training modules, the aims and objectives of the training plan.
Seminar: "Enhance and strengthen human capital"
The seminar involved employees, the directors of the company, the teaching and non-teaching staff and the institution's leadership.
During the seminar, the Director of the institution in accordance with the administration of Radić Works presented the plan, human resources involved in the plane on that day, the teaching methodology, the training modules, the aims and objectives of the training plan.
Corsi gratuiti ammortizzatori sociali in deroga
La Regione Puglia ha approvato l’Avviso pubblico 02/2013 per la costituzione di un elenco di organismi autorizzati all’erogazione di interventi di politiche attive del lavoro, rivolti ai beneficiari degli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga. L’azione rientra nell’ambito del P.O. Puglia FSE 2007/2013 e si propone di finanziare percorsi di formazione rivolti ai lavoratori beneficiari degli ammortizzatori in deroga e a coloro che abbiano perso tale beneficio nell’anno in corso.